Dry Brine vs Wet Brine

Have you ever heard someone talk about brining meat before smoking it and were confused? Well you’re not alone. Plenty of people don’t know what brining meat is so we’re going to go over dry brine vs wet brine

Best Wood For Smoking Turkey – Top 3

There’s a lot of variables when it comes to smoking turkey. Once of the most important is choosing the best wood for smoking turkey. There are a lot of choices out there.

How To Trim A Brisket In 8 Steps

Brisket is one of the most popular meats for BBQ but smoking one isn’t as easy as you might think. You have to know how to trim a brisket and then smoke it without drying it out.

Tri Tip vs Brisket

Tri tip vs brisket, they are two cuts from beef that went from relative obscurity to the main course in a lot of people’s dinner in a short amount of time. It’s no wonder either, they are both delicious when cooked right. At first glance, it might be hard to tell the difference between the two, besides maybe their size but once you get to know the two different cuts and their characteristics, you’ll be a pro in no time.

How To Reheat Mac and Cheese

We’ve all been there! Most of us often spend an entire day at our workplaces or in class daydreaming about that silky, smooth-as-ever leftover Mac and cheese

The History Of BBQ Sauce

During their prolonged feasts, they would dip the meat in wine, cider, malt, vinegar, and herbs to prepare a flavorful exquisite meal. When these spices

How Much Pulled Pork Per Person (With Calculator)

Trust us when we say that if pulled pork is on the menu, it will not stay around for very long. However, there is one problem when it comes to choosing pulled pork as the menu. Hosts often face a dilemma of how much quantity is going to be appropriate for a party. The struggle is to have enough, you either don’t have enough and run out before everyone has had their share or you are left with a ton of leftover.

How To Cut Tri Tip

Tri tip has gained a ton of popularity over the last 50 or so years.  It went from being a Santa Maria California specialty to widely available in

Who Invented Mac and Cheese?

While digging your spoon into the gooey, creamy, smooth, and crunchy at the same time, have you ever wondered who invented this casserole, now a well-known